American Tae Kwon Do Academy
On April 18, 2025, we celebrated our 40th year as The American Taekwon-do Academy.
15 Ongoing Classes in 10 Cities
69 ATA Intra-club Tournaments and 13 Master Tournaments
25 ATA Summer Camps
We have taught over 23,000 students in over 50 cities worldwide.
ATA membership is over 5,400 students.
The Academy has awarded
540 - Black Belts:
282-1st Degree Black Belts
127-2nd Degree
63-3rd Degrees
31-4th Degrees
19- 5th Degrees
10-6th Degrees
5-7th degree
2-8th Degree
1-9th Degree Black Belt.
We have an Active Teaching Faculty of
1-Grand Master Instructor
1-Master Instructors
4-Chief Instructors
5-Full Instructors
4-Assistant Instructors
7-Intern and Apprentice Instructors
and 1-Youth Leaders
ATA teachers are CPR certified and require:
1) Taekwon-do/martial art knowledge and experience to their rank.
2) Skilled abilities for sharing that information with students.
3) A desire to teach.
So you are interested in learning Tae Kwon Do
First - Find a class that is convenient for your location and day/time in the menu above.
If you don't see one in your area - send an Email to Or you may use the contact page. There may be a class forming and not posted yet.
You are welcome to stop by or Email GMAuman to obtain the start date of the next session (they are 6 week sessions). You can sign up the first day and begin your first lesson.
Wear loose, comfortable clothes. You do not need to have a uniform right away. When you are ready to purchase a uniform, it can be purchased through your instructor.
Body & Mind in the Martial Art of Tae Kwon Do in the Michigan American Tae Kwon Do Academy
"As a long-time student and Instructor in the American Taekwondo Academy, I have personally seen the benefits to both mind and body. Over the years I have been most impressed with our youth in the Academy, manor of who have earned Black Belts. The discipline and perseverance they demonstrate in the martial arts are often overshadowed by the courtesy and integrity they practice both in and out of class. While the young students often begin the class as a family activity, it has been very rewarding to see so many continue th journey and mature into young respectful adults" Master Daryl Steward- 7th Degree ATA Black Belt